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Parenting during a Pandemic - Getting Things Done!

Parenting during a Pandemic - Getting Things Done!

A week into self quarantine and trying to make the most of it. One major thing that feels like it’s missing when you are confined to your home is the ability to get things done. 

With limited space and limited time to yourself (many of us with kids feel like cruise directors now responsible for planning daily activities for not only ourselves but kids as well), it can get claustrophobic.

A few tactics that have been been beneficial so far include:

  • Make the bed every morning. While this sounds small, this has a lot of evidence to help you start the day feeling accomplished and off to a good start.

  • Develope your own schedule in addition to your family schedule with tasks your want to complete.

  • Try to get moving/work out in a meaningful way. I am trying to do 20 miles+ on the Peloton everyday plus walk with the kids and spend time outside.

  • Spend some time by yourself (and allow your spouse to do the same thing)

  • Talk to friends and family on the phone. Better yet, FaceTime. 

  • Organize! All those projects you haven’t taken care of, do em now! Garage, basement, guest room, your closet, just do it!

Let me know what other tactics you have found to be beneficial, comments are open. 

Putting a 4-Year-Old Daughter to Bed: Strategies for Dads

Putting a 4-Year-Old Daughter to Bed: Strategies for Dads

Parenting during a Pandemic (#COVID-19) - Schedule

Parenting during a Pandemic (#COVID-19) - Schedule